
You need permissions to use this system. In order to check your permissions you need to log in first. You may log in as FEIDE user. If you have no affiliation to the norwegian educational sector, you may register as "FEIDE Guest User" to get access to this application. Depending on web app, you may also be able to log in as local user, but this will be removed in the future. After login your access will be checked, and you may be instructed to sign up for the service and/or to consent to additional conditions.
Authentication takes place using the Faculty of the Humanities authentication system. University users may log on with their normal university username and password. Locally defined users (external users) can also log on using their given usernames (email) and password.
Authentication takes place using the university sector log-in service FEIDE. University users, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedId and FEIDE guest users may log in depending on web app. Please note that additional access rights may be needed to get access to this web app. See this page for further information.